F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
Recommended...and not!
Recommended for its ability to capture feelings and gestures, behaviours and emotions, not just peculiar to a certain time but relevant across periods of history. However, there's not much beyond that. It's overwritten, a little thin on subject matter, and the latter is more of a pathetic portrayal than a deep one.The last paragraph is easily worth more than the whole book.
The Great Gatsby is the kind of book that I would have liked
more had I never heard about it before. It has been boasted about
but truly, I think it holds more of a place in literary history than in literature per se, and will probably be more interesting to the scholar than to the reader.
P.S. Some cliché, very borderline, racial representation (particularly of Jewish characters).
Tags: early 20th century, nouveaux riches, period piece, Jazz Age/Roaring Twenties, the flapper, close quarters, ladies & gents' courtship dance, the "look-through-the-bus-window-observe-and-criticise" thing, socio-cultural disenchantment
Austen Jane
Barrie J. M.
Bowen Elizabeth
Cooper James Fenimore
Cronin A.J.
Dostoyevsky Fyodor
Ee Susan
Farland David
Fitzgerald F. Scott
Flewelling Lynn
Forster E. M.
Gaskell Elizabeth
Golding William
Grahame Kenneth
Harpman Jacqueline
Hobb Robin
Ishiguro Kazuo
Le Guin Ursula K.
London Jack
Martin George R. R.
Melville Herman
Murail Marie-Aude
Ngῦgῖ wa Thiong’o
Pilcher Rosamunde
Ryan Anthony
Salinger J. D.
Shaw George Bernard
Stegner Wallace
Steinbeck John
Stevenson Robert Louis
Tarkington Booth
Vaughan Brian K.
Webb Mary
Wharton Edith
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